The DCU-
More Advanced features:
AutoBrake Release– No need to remember to release brake or release too soon — release time is automatic, settable 0-
Coast feature allows for mass of the antenna to come to a stop in the right direction before the brake locks everything down. Coast delay cuts off the motor before reaching the selection — reduces overshoot due to antenna mass.
Auto jogs make sure that the antenna is unlocked and free before turning begins. It’s most helpful for older rotators with “sticky brakes”, auto control will jog the rotator backwards slightly before going in the proper direction, insuring that brake pressure is eased up enough to release. Fine beam heading touch-
Offset feature allows display reset to indicate actual heading. Adjustable sleep mode 0-
USB/RS232 ports allow computer-
Field upgradeable firmware.
8.5″W x 4.3″H x 9″D.
Requires 110V. See the DCU-
Price: $399.95 USD source: sparky's blog